Clearing a residence or property is something best left to the experts. We possess all the knowledge and experience for residence clearings.
As an all-round moving specialist, we are also specialised in residential clearings. Clearing a residence or property is something best left to the experts. We have all the knowledge and experience necessary for clearing residences. Clearing residences is regularly a heavy job, considering the fact that the clearance is often involuntary or of an emotional nature. We understand this, which is why you can safely leave a residence clearing to Stadsverhuizingen. We know how to handle both the technical and the emotional aspects of clearing a residence.
Residence clearing according to your wishes.
- Clearing out inventory and excessive household goods.
- Removing carpets, curtain, curtain rails and lighting.
- Handing in the key of the broom-cleaned residence/space.
- Returning the residence to its original state.
- Taking excessive waste to the dump. Household goods suitable for reuse are offered to the thrift shop.
Residence clearances
A residence clearing could be necessary in the event of moving, the sale of a house, emigration or someone’s passing away. This service is intended for private parties, housing corporations, companies and municipal institutions. We also clear business properties and other objects in Amsterdam and outside of Amsterdam.
Usually, the move is accompanied with stress and emotion; particularly in the event of a loved one’s passing away. In such an event, it is highly pleasant that you can leave the practical side of the residence’s clearing to us.
Special residence clearing
You can always contact us if you have a special request regarding a residence’s clearing. We will gladly discuss your wishes and our options in a wholly non-binding consultation. In addition to residence clearances, you can also contact us for all other types of clearances, such as company properties, senior residences, attics, shops, showrooms and storage boxes. Would you like to receive more information regarding our services in the realm of residential and other clearances? Call or email us, and we will gladly be of assistance.
We have professional and powerful lifts that can be used to make lifting large or heavy objects to and from an upper floor a piece of cake.